You’ve got so many things you want or need to do today – but they’re going to have to wait until you get your pills. A prescription opioid is powerful drug that can cause pain to subside for hours at a time.
Unfortunately, they can also cause serious new problems in your life, from the risk of overdose to the stifling grip of addiction. If you’ve been depending on opioids just to make everyday life tolerable, it’s time to find a safer, healthier, less frightening alternative.
Thankfully, physical therapy can help you govern your pain without drugs, giving you a chance to break away from your reliance on opioids.
Physical therapy can help you deal with your pain so you don’t need opioids anymore. Of course, only high doses of opioids should be discontinued under professional medical supervision (to prevent a potentially dangerous withdrawal).
In the meantime, however, our physical therapist can work with you to address the biomechanical problems that caused your pain in the first place.
Here are just a few of the physical therapy modalities that can help you conquer your pain:
Physical therapy may not help you to feel that immediate relief in the same way pain medication would, but it will help you to feel gradual improvements in your experience of the pain so that you can eventually start to live your life free of discomfort.
A physical therapist can also help you discover relief through:
Many people who become addicted to opioids were first prescribed by a medical doctor to treat acute or chronic pain. The problem is, opioid medications:
The opioid epidemic is a very real (and very deadly) problem. It’s believed that some 2 million Americans suffer from an opioid use disorder such as addiction. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of 130 people die from opioid overdoses every day here in the U.S. Since 1999, the number of opioid-related deaths has multiplied sixfold.
So, why are opioids so dangerous? These drugs prevent pain by attaching themselves to the brain’s opioid receptors. They can also cause both drowsiness and an intense high at high doses. This can cause a psychological dependence on the drug – but the trouble doesn’t stop there.
The brain and body become accustomed to a given dose of the opioid, creating a drug tolerance. As a result, you end up in need of larger and larger doses, not just to achieve the same degree of pain relief, but also to prevent agonizing withdrawal symptoms. Eventually, the dose you need could be a fatal one.
Even if you are not addicted to opioids, your chronic pain may force you to continue taking opioids on a regular basis. Unfortunately, opioid drugs block pain messages temporarily, but they do absolutely nothing to address the underlying health challenges that are causing your pain.
Physical therapy is a clear and positive alternative to the dangers of regular opioid use and abuse.
If you’re ready to curb that daily opioid habit, start by asking our physical therapist for a safe, effective pain management plan!