Are you having trouble keeping up with the basic demands of your day job? Do you have more trouble getting around your home than you once did? Do you look for excuses to withdraw from some of your favorite activities simply because it hurts to move, or you’re worried about injuring yourself? You’re probably suffering from joint pain, and you’re not alone.
Joint pain can turn even the most routine tasks into dreaded chores, or make them totally impossible to perform at all. Although you might be worried, joint pain is not something you can put off until later. You need to address this issue before it gets so bad that you risk sustaining an injury. Fortunately, you can get much of the help you need through physical therapy. Our physical therapist can help you optimize your mobility without drugs or surgery, so contact us today!
This kind of joint pain is commonly caused or worsened by the following six conditions:
If you know for a fact you’re dealing with any of the abovementioned conditions or pain problems, it’s a good idea to see a physical therapist as soon as possible. If you aren’t sure whether or not any of them apply to you, a physical therapist can still help to determine what the underlying cause of your pain is.
Most cases of joint pain will respond to conservative, non-surgical forms of care. Unfortunately, not all such forms of care are equally useful. You’ve probably figured out for yourself already that pain-relieving drugs only go so far to ease your symptoms, and they do absolutely nothing to address their causes. The result is that you’re left dealing with the effects of chronic pain, off and on, for years.
Physical therapy can help your joints function more normally, improve your musculoskeletal health, and provide you with a greater range of motion safely and naturally. A few physical therapy options include:
It isn’t just annoying; it can be debilitating and even pose dangerous threats to your health and safety. If, for example, you can’t reliably turn your head to see traffic, you could easily end up in an auto accident. That’s horrible! Stiff joints that affect stance and gait can increase your risk of falls as well, which is especially dangerous for the older population.
If you believe that simply buttoning your shirt, cooking a meal, or writing a check may be beyond your abilities at this point in your life, medical help is required. Your joint pain needs to be slowed and reversed so you can continue to live the life you want!
Joint pain may feel like it runs your life, but it doesn’t have to. If you want to get your old routine back, it’s time to contact a professional. Call a physical therapist at our clinic today to learn more about ow our customized treatment programs can help you get back to a normal, pain-free way of living. Call our office today!